2021, My #Object! painting Pre Existing condition will be on view at FORCE, an online exhibition at IncuArts, from February 1st-March 15th. -, I have been invited to become a member of WEAD artists, Women Eco Artists Dialog. 2020, I will be represented by ROVE Gallery. -, During September-October 2020, my landscape paintings 'VISTAS,' will be on view at TABLOO, Naamsestraat 180, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. -, One of my works of The Anatomy Lesson is in TransCultural Exchange's Event, on Saturday June 20, 2020. On June 20, 2020 – the summer/winter solstice –the nonprofit organization TransCultural Exchange invites art lovers on a (virtual) voyage around the world. Live Streaming of the launch will take place 11:00 – noon EST (UTC -4) On TransCultural Exchange’s Facebook page: TransCulturalExchange
2019, I am currently building a body of work 'The Anatomy Lesson,' based on 16th century anatomist Andreas Vesalius' work 'De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libris Septem,' in which he describes the anatomy of men and women he dissected corpses of during his Paduan Lectures. In it he carefully describes and examines the female reproductive organs, naming the ovaries 'testes muliebres,' female testicles. Before that, European academics believed that female genital organs were simply lesser versions of male organs, turned inside out. This consideration of the female body from a perspective that takes the male body as the norm, then and now, is what I address in this body of work. The work comprises painting, painterly printmaking, bookmaking and sculpturing.